دعاء لاستقبال العام الهجري الجديد

اليوم اخر ايام العام الهجري ومع بداية العام الهجري الجديد اللهم هجرة من الشقاء الى الراحة اللهم هجرة من الحزن الى السعادة اللهم هجرة من البلاء الى العافية اللهم هجرة من المرض الى المعافاة اللهم هجرة من الظلم الى نصرة الحق اللهم صل و سلم و بارك على صاحب الهجرة الشريفة ناصر الحق بالحق خاتم الانبياء و المرسلين و على آله الطيبين وسلم تسليما

Today is the last day of the Hijri year.
Wishing you all the best every year, and a happy Hijri year to all the followers of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. May it be a bright beginning filled with happiness, God willing, 1446
O Allah, make it a bright start full of happiness.
O Allah, a migration from hardship to comfort,
From sadness to happiness,
From affliction to wellness,
And from illness to recovery.
O Allah, a migration from sin to forgiveness,
From brokenness to mending, and from oppression to victory.
O Allah, as a new year approaches us, we ask You, O Allah, to grant us its good, and we seek refuge in You from its evil. Make it a year full of goodness, and grant victory to Islam and Muslims everywhere.
O Allah, we ask You for the best of pleas and the best of supplications, the best of rewards, and the best of this world and the Hereafter. O Allah, keep us steadfast, weigh our scales heavily, and grant us Your Paradise, the Gardens of Bliss, O Lord of the worlds.
Wishing all the followers of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, a year filled with happiness, health, wellness, and victory from Allah Almighty.